Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not my style of music.....

Here we are (minus Hockey boy) at a Carrie Underwood concert last night. This is not the typical show that our family attends...we are more known to go to a Casting Crowns Concert, Relient K, Michael Card, or even Phil Keaggy; but attending a country (even pop country) concert has never been on our agenda. That all changed when my sweet man saw an advertisement for a Carrie Underwood Concert in Wilkes Barre, and knowing the girls loved Carrie Underwood, there was no hesitation on his part to order tickets.

Well the appointed night came, and off we went to see what the evening had in store. My sweet man was making jokes about "watching" the show, but as for the music, I was surprised he didn't bring ear plugs. My own history gave me a tainted view of popular country music, but I did sort of enjoy Carrie's first CD, and felt that despite the electric steel guitar, thought it was a good work. So as we waited for the show to begin, after purchasing pins, key chains and a poster, the opening act came on. Here was this young man, Josh Turner, with a voice like I'd never heard. The only problem for me was the obviously country sound of the music. But that is not what caught my attention, it was the words. Here were songs about family, loving his wife, him and God, and many references to church bells ringing. These were not the country lyrics of my childhood, where the common themes were cheating spouses, trucks, rose gardens that were never promised, and references to divorce, before it was so common place. To my surprise, this music was lyrically pretty wholesome, and for the most part, family friendly.

Which leads me to my current dilemma. I can't get over the sound that is sometimes a little too "country" for my liking, but I am compelled to give this genre a second look. For years I have been terribly condemning, and now feel I need to at least consider that it may be a better alternative than some of the pathetic popular music coming across most rock and roll radio stations. Who wouldn't be drawn to words of hope for the family, commitment in times of trouble, and love for our Creator? No, I will probably never be a crazy fan of this music, but I can no longer write it off without giving it a fair listen. I just hope I can tune out the steel guitar, and focus on the meaning behind the music.


JenLo said...

Oh, my goodness! John LOVES country and I have never, ever been a fan, but I find myself listening more and more b/c of the peer pressure of the fam! Caroline would be SO jealous--she loves Carrie Underwood. Yay for you guys for going with your girls!

Laurie said...

I hear you about the country music genre! But recently, I too, have been hearing more uplifting and family-centered lyrics. I am enjoying the stories within the songs, instead of being depressed by them as in even 6 or 7 years ago.
And we 12-string moms gotta stick together, although I must admit, mine has been languishing in a corner for sometime now, more part of the decor than the soundwaves (sheepish little grin :) ).