Sunday, June 15, 2008

Weddings, celebrations and life's big moments....

We had the pleasure of attending a wedding this weekend. The wedding was a wonderful experience, and we were grateful to have been able to witness the marriage of two people who are not only deeply in love, but are so obviously soul mates. My cousin, Emily, was beautiful and I am sorry I don't have any good pictures of her with her groom, but suffice it to say they were stunning, and clearly deeply connected. At least I can show you her obvious happiness and joy that shines through in the pictures I was able to get of her.

It is sometimes hard to realize that the big moments of life, are simply moments. Most of life is lived out in the mundane everyday-ness that we all experience. But it is those daily experiences that make way for the "big moments" in life. I am so thankful for the big moments I have had...our own wedding was like a dream, and I can only hope that Emily and Tim had at least half as wonderful a day as my sweetie and I shared. However, I might add that not every day we have had since that "big moment" 17 plus years ago has been "wonderful." Some of those days have been hard, and down right difficult. However, I would never trade the mundane everyday moments, or the difficult times to only have just the one "big moment." For without the backdrop of the mundane and the difficult times, I couldn't possibly appreciate the "big moments" God has given to me. Together these weave together a life and love I will cherish for the rest of my days.

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