Thursday, May 22, 2008

You have been so good..........

One of my favorite Worship Leaders, Paul Baloche, has a song that seems to be running through my head again today, even though I am somewhat overwhelmed by my circumstances.

"You have been so good to me
You have been so good to me
I came here broken, you made me whole
You have been so good, you have been so good to me.

You have been so good to me
You have been so good to me
I came her mourning, you gave me joy
You have been so good, you have been so good, you have been so good to me

How can I thank you , there is just no way
How can I thank you , Lord how can I repay
for your kindness for your tenderness
for your constant presence here with me....."

Given all my blessings, the many ways God has touched my life....when the hard things of life happen I should not be so surprised. If I am willing to accept His goodness for my blessing, should I not also accept His troubles for my growth. Besides everything is not all about me. Bad things happen to good people! But God can redeem even the horror and troubles of life.

I think that it just might be possible that trials come into our lives in order to simply draw us closer to our Creator. I am a slow learner, and though I recognize He desires to be in intimate communion with me....sometimes it takes a trial or tragedy to bring me to my knees. Maybe that is the whole point of the Salvation message...Christ died to save me, but also to draw me into communion with His Father. Relationship. That must be the point. Too often I run through my day without really "needing" God. But that is simply not true. The reality is that I need HIM every moment of every day.

So, truly Lord, "You have been so good to me...." and for that I just thank you and rejoice in the fact that despite myself, you love me and desire to be in relationship with me. Awesome!!!

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