Looking for something of beauty in my yard, I came across these tulips in my old flower bed. It wasn't till I uploaded the picture that I noticed the ugly dying dandelions next to these beautiful tulips, that I had a moment in which I understood God's love for me. Before He came into my life, I was an ugly dying creature, who didn't know Him. Once He came into my life, He then had the ability to create something of beauty within me. Wow. Only He can change the ugly dying parts of me, into something that is both beneficial and beautiful.
Although I will never fully understand God's love, I am reminded again that HE made me, HE created me, and my whole purpose in life is to bring Him pleasure and glory. How can He not love what HE created, even me? How can I live up to that awesome responsibility....well, I can't. Not in my humanness. But as I grasp the reality of His love for me, His life in me, His plans for my life...then I might finally start to fully live life the way that HE intended. That really is the point, it's not about me, but about HIM. God has created me completely and solely for HIM. So today, Lord, bring the beauty of your presence in my life, so that others will not see the ugly dying dandelions in my life, but the beauty of the tulips you are creating in me.